Hi there! I’ve started documenting some things that I get up to or discover in the world of programming. Maybe you find them useful, maybe not. It’s all good.
I’ve been a full stack engineer for 12+ years now and I’ve been lucky to work with a load of different languages and tech. I do certificates when and where I can, often funded by yours truly and I’m constantly trying to improve my knowledge, and scope of skills. I’ve worked in an enterprize setting for the last 8 years.
Things I think are important:
- You’ve got to understand how to model & query data properly for your chosen DB. It’s the single biggest bottleneck in most applications. It’s also the biggest mistake I see with systems, even vendor systems.
- Constrain your data if you’re using a RDBMS. The number of system’s I’ve seen with no constraints or FKs is puzzling 😕
- Read other peoples code
- Contribute where you can
- Ask questions
- Simple is usually best
- Go
- Python
- JavaScript / TypeScript
- Swift (Server Side Mainly)
- C#
- Groovy
Informally, Rust, Java, Haskell
- MongoDB (Certified)
- Oracle
- Postgres
- I ❤️ GitLab
- Docker
- I’m back into learning Kubernetes
- Harbor
- Jenkins
- AWS Certified
- I’m a big fan of Hexagonal architecture
What I’m learning for 2021
- Kubernetes
- Istio
- Using gRPC more
- I’d like to get better at Cassandra
- I’m interested in DAPR, at least I think I am